Austin’s Pet Supplies offers delivery, pickup services

The new pet supply store in Ceredo that brings you high-quality pet food, treats and toys is now offering free delivery and pet pickup for grooming services.

Customers can simply call the store at (304) 606-2959 to arrange for product delivery to their home (within a 10-mile radius) and for pickup of their pet for grooming. These services are ideal for pet owners who cannot get out due to illness or injury or do not have transportation to the store.

“We love our customers and want to continue to provide the services they are asking for and need,” said Brandon Austin who owns the store with his wife Tori.

Customers will find a variety of high-quality and budget-friendly pet foods, treats, toys and boutique items at Austin’s Pet Supplies along with knowledgeable owners who can help with the best selection for your pet.

Austin’s Pet Supplies is a pet supply store based in Ceredo, West Virginia, that offers high-quality pet foods, treats, toys and accessories. Products, specials, and information can be found at

New Pet Supply Store Opening in Ceredo

Ceredo, W.Va., : The City of Ceredo is expanding with the opening of a new pet supply store that will support high-quality foods and treats along with pet-friendly accessories and toys.

Austin’s Pet Supplies plans its grand opening on Saturday, April 6, at its new location at 302 Main St. Suite B in Ceredo across from Tudor’s Biscuit World. Store hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Special activities for the day include pet food samples, refreshments and door prizes.

“We believe in 100 percent of the products we sell and wouldn’t have them in our store if we wouldn’t give them to our own pets,” said Brandon Austin, co-owner of the store.

Brandon and his wife Tori moved from Kentucky to Kenova last year with their family of three pups, Griffey, Gracie, and Chronos. When searching out a local pet supply store, they soon realized the area was desperately lacking.

“We set out on a mission to make it happen,” said Tori Austin, co-owner. “It’s taken a lot of research and love for what we want to do.”

Austin’s Pet Supplies will include brands such as Primal, Zignature, and Fromm foods, Himalayan chews, and Kurgo accessories.

Austin’s Pet Supplies is a pet supply store based in Ceredo, West Virginia, that offers high-quality pet foods, treats, toys and accessories. Products, specials, and information can be found at