West Virginia Press Release

Operation Soldier Care with Fast Change collects $40,000 for deployed troops

Fast Change Lube and Oil Inc. presented $40,000 as part of Operation Soldier Care to Military Missions on Oct. 24 representing monetary and donated items collected in support and honor of the nation’s deployed military personnel.

“Operation Soldier Care helps show our support for the military by providing them with items they may not be able to easily get while deployed,” said Fast Change President Kevin Davis. “I am proud to partner with WEMM-FM for this effort and we’re thankful for the support of our community members, customers, employees, vendors who donated to help send care packages as an expression of appreciation and gratitude.”

This year’s donations to Operation Soldier Care exceeded last year’s effort by $10,000 with 100 percent of the money collected benefitting troops. In addition to monetary donations, approved personal care items were collected at all 20 Fast Change locations to help create care packages for the troops.

Each year since 2015, Fast Change has collected donations for Military Missions from July through September as part of Operation Soldier Care and the program continues to grow.

“We want to make sure they know they have support from back home,” Davis said. “As an ongoing token of our gratitude and appreciation, Fast Change honors active military personnel and veterans with discounted services at all 20 Fast Change Lube and Oil locations.”

Military Missions is a non-profit charitable organization founded in 2005 in Lexington, Kentucky, by Beth Pennington, the mother of a Marine, and seeks to involve the community in activities and events that will give civilians an opportunity to express their gratitude for the sacrificial service of those who have worn the uniform.

Established in 1994, Fast Change Oil and Lube has grown throughout Kentucky, West Virginia, Tennessee, and Virginia while striving to be the best place anywhere our customers can go for an oil change or other preventative maintenance service. With more than 20 locations and growing, Fast Change promises to treat customers with professionalism and respect, to operate with integrity and dependability, and to deliver excellence at a fair price.